

An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confine of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity."- MLK Jr. 


The purpose and goals of this sorority shall be to assemble its members in the fellowship of Omega Phi Alpha, to develop friendship, leadership and cooperation by promoting service to the university community, to the community-at-large, to the members of the sorority and to the nations of the world.

The mission of Omega Phi Alpha is service. We provide opportunities for leadership and friendship through training and participation in service activities. Our hope is that our members will become life-long, service-minded leaders. We strive to better the lives of others worldwide by collaborating with organizations and volunteering through a flexible service program.


Tau Chapter of Omega Phi Alpha at The University of Texas at Austin 


Chapters of Omega Phi Alpha join together each year and direct efforts toward two specific National projects: the Permanent Project and the President's Project. These projects are done once a semester and focuses on the four areas of service: Service to the University Community, Service to the Community - at - Large, Service to the members of the sorority, and service to the nations of the world. This is a week long process performed by different events to come to common goal at the end. 

Kick Off Rally is the first event of the week. This is when all the sisters come together and start creating awareness on campus about the topic that was selected for the semester. For this image, the topic was Domestic Violence. 
After the Kick off Rally, Omega Phi Alpha usually hosts a profit share at a local restaurant and some sort of game night. Both are done to raise money for our cause and create awareness for people around us.  In this image, we created a game of "Are you smarter than a 5th grader?" and we invited other greek organizations to have a fun competition. 

This image shows our project called STEM which stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. Here we went to a boys and girls club and educated the kids on these areas of studies. this was done after the Kick off Rally, Profit share and the game night. 
At the end of the service week, we could see the difference we made. As a team we came together and carried on a project by not only educating students on campus but also changing lives of others. This project shows the stem project, and not only educated the kids on the four areas of studies but we also donated all the money we raised throughout the week to this school. 


Omega Phi Alpha received an award for completing a 1,000 hours of service from the University of Texas at Austin!